

“Hi! My name’s River and I’m a 2 1/2-year-old female Pitbull Mix. If you’re looking for a real comical sweetheart that is sure to bring lots of love to your home, you really should meet me. I love walkies, play-time and care rides, and I also...


Uno is a really sweet 2-year-old American Mix! He is well-mannered, curious and very gentle. He is quick to make friends, especially if you offer him strawberries! His favorite spot is his plush tunnel, where he’ll try to get your attention with an adorable poke...


Hi! My name’s Eeyore and I’m a 5-year-old male. I am in search of a cat-savvy household – one that will understand my personality, which I think is unique! I can get very excited very quickly, and am wildly food-motivated. I need to be kept busy, but...


Hi! My name’s Chai and I’m a 2-year-old spayed female. More about me soon, but if you’re interested in meeting me or learning more about me, stop in Tuesday – Saturday, 12 – 4PM or give my people-friends a call at 802-484-5829! Female...


Hi! My name’s Lena and I’m a 2-year-old spayed female. More about me soon, but ff you’re interested in meeting me or learning more about me, stop in Tuesday – Saturday, 12 – 4PM or give my people-friends a call at 802-484-5829! Female...


Hi! My name’s Bully and I’m a 8-year-old neutered male Pitbull Mix. I came to Lucy Mackenzie with my very good buddy, Dozer. It would be fantastic to be adopted together, but it would also be OK to be adopted separately. I’m a really good boy, and...