Hi! My name’s Eeyore and I’m a 5-year-old male. I am in search of a cat-savvy household – one that will understand my personality, which I think is unique! I can get very excited very quickly, and am wildly food-motivated. I need to be kept busy, but...
Hi! My name’s Chai and I’m a 2-year-old spayed female. More about me soon, but if you’re interested in meeting me or learning more about me, stop in Tuesday – Saturday, 12 – 4PM or give my people-friends a call at 802-484-5829! Female...
Hi! My name’s Lena and I’m a 2-year-old spayed female. More about me soon, but ff you’re interested in meeting me or learning more about me, stop in Tuesday – Saturday, 12 – 4PM or give my people-friends a call at 802-484-5829! Female...