Jake’s Friends Fund, established in memory of a wonderful dog named Jake, is an emergency care fund that ensures no companion animal will ever have to be euthanized or suffer simply because access to medical care is beyond somebody’s financial means.
We receive calls year round from community members that are in dire need of financial assistance in order to provide medical care for their companion animals. Loving and
responsible families and individuals can fall on hard times at any moment, and can suddenly find themselves living paycheck to paycheck. Jake’s Friends Fund enables Lucy Mackenzie Humane Society to support the veterinarian care for animals owned by loving and responsible community members when they need us most.
Jake’s Friends Fund also helps us to cover extraordinary veterinarian costs for the animals at Lucy Mackenzie.  Over the years, we’ve been able to help dogs in need of cruciate repairs, cats in need of exploratory surgery to remove blockages, and so much more. Thanks to Jake’s Friends Fund, we’re able to provide our very own residents with a quality of care and life that all animals deserve.
*If you would like to inquire about assistance through Jake’s Friends Fund, please contact us directly at 802-484-5829 or info@lucymac.org.